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November 2021 IPEd newsletter

November 2021 IPEd newsletter

November 2021Vol. 2 No. 10 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature article IPEd’s survey of members – results now available The results of IPEd’s survey of members in April 2021 are now availableRead more IPEd news Profile — Nicole MathersIn this issue of Gatherings, we profile...

November 2021 EdTas

From the committee As you may guess from the title of this brief note, while the Tasmanian branch of IPEd has a new committee, we currently do not have a president. We have only three dozen members and each year we ask ourselves, is the branch viable? Now that we’ve...

November 2021 EdSA

EdSA and Writers SA co-hosted drinks by Tina Morganella It’s easy to network when you have something in common with everyone in the room. Editors + writers = abundant chat and easy conversation about words and stories.  In October, EdSA and Writers SA co-hosted...

November 2021 EdNSW

From the committee by Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The EdNSW committee met on 12 October for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with four apologies. Minutes of the September committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed. Written reports...

Editor without borders

by Paul Anderson She arrives in town, edits and rides off into the sunset. Who was that masked editor? Robyn Flemming was the guest presenter at an online speaker meeting hosted by EdNSW on 5 October 2021. She is an Australian freelance editor currently based in her...
CEO offers bouquets

CEO offers bouquets

First, a big thank-you to all the IPEd volunteers who so willingly give their time and effort to help.  With the UN-designated International Volunteers Day approaching on 5 December, it’s timely to recognise the awesome effort so many of you put into assisting IPEd....