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From the committee

by Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes

The EdNSW committee met on 12 October for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with four apologies.

Minutes of the September committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed.

Written reports received included:

  • presentation schedule
  • workshops
  • membership
  • branch budget commentary (including financial estimates for September 2021)
  • mentoring
  • professional development
  • Accreditation Board delegate’s report
  • IPEd Director’s update.

Fi Peel has resigned from the committee, leaving a vacancy in our Meetings Coordinator role. The committee warmly thanks Fi for Fi’s contribution and invites members to nominate for this vacant committee position. Please contact for details if you are interested in joining the committee.

Our speaker presentation on 5 October was Editor without borders, presented by Robyn Flemming. Robyn shared around-the-world stories from her decade (2010-2020) as a global nomad freelance editor and promoted her forthcoming memoir, Skinful. (See report in the General Interest section in this issue of Gatherings.) A recording of the meeting will be available for online purchase (and free if you paid to attend).

That’s a wrap for our speaker presentations and workshops this year. We will round out 2021 with our annual end-of-year dinner event in Sydney in December.

Our next speaker presentation will be on 1 February 2022 with Mark Lock, and our next workshop is Managing your editing business with Malini Devedas in February/March.

Four new IPEd members joined the branch in September. Welcome to you all. There were 379 active financial branch members as at 30 September.

Consolidated results across all our activities for September show we are ahead on budget, and EdNSW’s financial position remains sound. 

Social media

A reminder that EdNSW is closing its Facebook and LinkedIn pages and switching social media communications to IPEd’s main accounts. Please switch your follows to IPEd’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to get more posts about the wide range of IPEd news and activities.

Welcome to new members

by Kaaren Sutcliffe AE

EdNSW is pleased to welcome the following new members:

Professional: Teresa Goudie (reinstated member)

Associate: Deborah Cooke, Julia Petzl-Berney

Student: Lauren Shorthouse. 


Member meetings

Member meetings will continue to be held via Zoom.

Members are urged to check their email for the latest information on any event.

Bookings via the IPEd Events webpage.

No speaker event is planned for November or December.

Topic: December dinner

Date: Tuesday 7 December 2021, 6.30pm
Location: Sydney Flying Squadron, Kirribilli
Details: For the 11th year in a row we will head to the Flying Squadron. It is a beautiful setting for a summer get-together.  An invitation will be in your email inbox soon.


by Susie Pilkington

Event: Editors’ lunch

Date: Thursday 18 November 2021
Location: Somewhere in the Blue Mountains
Details: An invitation will be in your email inbox soon.

For our editors’ lunches, guests register to attend (to allow us to confirm numbers) and pay for their own food and drinks on the day. In this current form, where members volunteer to “host” a lunch, we have enjoyed gatherings at venues around greater Sydney and regional New South Wales for more than four years (interrupted a couple of times in 2020–21). It’s a great way to meet fellow editors in a convivial, relaxed setting. Contact if you want further details or if you would like to host a lunch at an eatery near you next year.

And that’s all for 2021, folks. We will see you in 2022.