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From the committee

As you may guess from the title of this brief note, while the Tasmanian branch of IPEd has a new committee, we currently do not have a president.

We have only three dozen members and each year we ask ourselves, is the branch viable? Now that we’ve discovered the joys of professional development via Zoom, do we still need a committee to conduct the business of the branch?

If we don’t have a branch committee — if we don’t have a Tasmanian branch — will we be able to deliver in-person professional development? Meet for social events? Promote the profession at events such as the Indie Authors Book Fair? 

Does it matter?

If you believe these things are worthwhile, ask yourself whether you’re willing to contribute a couple of hours a month to make them happen. 

Committee membership offers an opportunity to meet regularly with a great bunch of editors (via Zoom) and shape our program for the year. 

Come to the Christmas party, talk to a committee member or two, jump right in.

Elizabeth Spiegel
Immediate past President, EdTas