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IPEd quiz

IPEd quiz

Our March staff and volunteers communications catch up once again concluded with a quick quiz. Congratulations to Jane Fitzpatrick and Jess Gately who topped the quiz with four correct answers. Our Zoom competitors certainly know their AEs and their punctuation marks,...
Focus on exam prep resources

Focus on exam prep resources

Candidates sitting the IPEd accreditation exam in 2022 need to know about the vast array of resources that will help them prepare. Many of these are covered on the exam resources page of the IPEd website, but here is a quick overview. Exam prep workshops – strategies,...
CEO’s message

CEO’s message

CEO’s message “As a group we should feel proud of the work we do. Even if it is just among our peers, maybe we should be making more of a clamour about how good we are. Because editors are some of the most dedicated, smartest and funniest people I know.” –...
Update on the Standards revision

Update on the Standards revision

​ The IPEd Standards Working Party is well into the process of reviewing the Standards. We have been having weekly meetings to discuss the content in detail. At this stage, we are having in-depth discussions about the nuance in language to ensure that the tone of the...