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August 2020 Editors VIC

Vice-President’s report I hope you are all keeping well and busy. Last month I thanked the 2019–20 committee for their fantastic contributions in running Editors Victoria over the past 12 months. Now it’s time to thank all of you who attended the Annual Branch Meeting...
2021 conference update

2021 conference update

2021 conference update Thanks to everyone who completed the survey on the 2021 conference and provided feedback on the possibility of delivering some or all of the program online. Many respondents were excited about the prospect of being able to experience a...

August 2020 Editors QLD

From the President Hi all Our Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) is upon us and we’re calling for nominations for the Editors Qld management committee. I’ve sent out the papers and the committee roles, but if you didn’t see that or if you want to throw your hat in the ring,...
Expressions of interest sought

Expressions of interest sought

Expressions of interest sought IPEd Professional Member Joan Rosenthal is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members who may be qualified to take on some or all of her client portfolio as she transitions to retirement. Joan’s editing is mainly in the field of...

August 2020 Editors TAS

From the President Our August event is our Branch General Meeting. This is an opportunity for you to quiz the branch committee on what we’ve been doing for the past year and perhaps tell us what you think we should be doing instead. It’s also a formal opportunity for...
Profile: Christine Atkinson

Profile: Christine Atkinson

[Photo credit: Christine Atkinson] Profile: Queensland Branch President Christine Atkinson When and why did you join IPEd?I joined IPEd in 2015 after being made redundant from my communications job and feeling a burning need to network with editors. I’d meant to join...