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2021 conference update

Thanks to everyone who completed the survey on the 2021 conference and provided feedback on the possibility of delivering some or all of the program online. Many respondents were excited about the prospect of being able to experience a conference they would ordinarily be unable to attend due to cost, caring responsibilities, disability or other factors. Others expressed their concern that a virtual conference would not offer the social and networking opportunities of an in-person conference, nor the same level of interaction with presenters.

Some of you made positive comments about virtual conferences you have already attended: if you have specific suggestions or comments, please email me at

We are still going ahead with planning for a Hobart conference, as well as researching options for recording presentations for access either live or at a later time (both of which incur additional costs). A purely virtual conference remains a possibility.

If you’re considering contributing a presentation, keep in mind that it may need to be delivered online. Submissions are open until 4 September.

On a positive note, we have engaged four great keynote speakers and have been successful in our application for a grant from the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund.

Stay well.

Elizabeth Spiegel AE
Conference Convenor