From the EdANZ committee
Last week Editors Aotearoa New Zealand held its Annual Branch Meeting. Thank you to all those members who attended.
We welcome Beverly Clunies-Ross who has taken over from Bella Mae as Secretary.
As described in recent emails, many of the 2021 committee stood down this year because they had been in their posts since the conference in Melbourne in 2019. We are grateful for their contributions over the years.
The committee is now reduced to five people, with many posts vacant. The committee is now:
Executive group:
President – Vacant
Secretary – Beverly Clunies-Ross
Budget Officer – Deborah Shaw
Committee members:
Training Officer – Vacant
Outreach – Vacant
Social Media – Marja Stack
Membership – Joan Gladwyn
Newsletters – Jane Matthews
Ex-officio committee members are:
IPEd Board Director – Vacant
Accreditation Board Delegate – Vacant
If you feel you can contribute to the committee please contact one of us – we’d love to have you.

The Institute of Professional Editors Limited (IPEd) is the professional association for Australian and New Zealand editors.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Traditional Owners, Custodians of Country and First Nations in Australia, and to Māori as tangata whenua and te Tiriti o Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand.