By Jane Fitzpatrick

9 Force English rebel out, having less strength (7)
10 Losing head, leap after donkey attack (7)
11 A smile beside a boat (5)
12 Proven: USA engineered massive explosion (9)
13 Made new form of pipe with hemp inside (8)
14 Superhero wrapped outlaw around cash dispenser (6)
17 Overthrow Bush and manage economically (7)
19 Crime fighter heard to demand payback for girl (7)
20 Before end of July, king and queen had no more to give (3,3)
21 ‘Snake!’ I violently declaim, hoping for attention (8)
24 Men in hamlet processed cheese (9)
27 Find out the French are short one point (5)
28 Have intention to score the wrong way! (3,4)
29 Ask endlessly: flipped or in glass? (2,5)
1 A very loudly broadcast dalliance (6)
2 Light shone out after energy relay initially shorts in south Germany (10)
3 Tortilla mash supplies Peruvian ruminants (6)
4 Head cinematographer originally censored build-up to climax (9)
5 Clip malingerer over hiding light (4)
6 Cockney demand to employ the lady’s signature: it’s needed to get past security (8)
7 Currency lasts, despite impromptu border fiasco (4)
8 Rents air treatment filter (8)
15 Historic rights set out at Armagnac (5,5)
16 Condescendingly account for chap’s field (9)
17 Mount TV as means of carrying chargers, perhaps (8)
18 Excited matador takes direction haphazardly (2,6)
22 Violin composition dropped one key, full of passion (2,4)
23 It keeps the joint working, but X is almost finished (6)
25 Large number in one small car (4)
26 Healthy hot drink (4)