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CEO Karen Lee has written to federal Education Minister Dan Tehan, on the board’s behalf, about the proposal to drastically increase university fees for students in the areas of the arts, society and culture, law, economics, creative arts and communications.

She makes the points that, in uncertain times, the way forward is to enable, rather than disable; to incentivise, not penalise. “Raising course fees for arts and humanities programs devalues the contributions those graduates will make to the economy.”

You can read the full letter here. [PDF] 

ALP responds to IPEd’s objection to increased uni fees

IPEd has received a response from Shadow Minister for Education and Training Tanya Plibersek to its email to Education Minister Dan Tehan about proposed increases to university fees for students in the areas of the arts, society and culture, law, economics, creative arts and communications.

Here’s her response [PDF].