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By Editors Western Australia

On Saturday 7 October, writers gathered at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers Centre (KSP Writers Centre) for an opportunity to drill three editors with all their burning questions.

Professional editors Linda Martin, Dr Per Henningsgaard and Jess Gately sat before the group and gave a quick baseline of the different types of editing before opening up the floor to the writers, many of whom were hoping to traditionally publish but some who were also interested in self-publishing.

They asked about everything from issues of copyright and editorial expertise, to ghost writing and whether editors ever tell people that they just shouldn’t write. While a great many questions focused on the structural side of editing, an interactive activity provided by Per gave the writers a good look at issues of style in copyediting. Linda’s and Per’s experiences working with traditional publishers also gave writers a fantastic insight into the publishing world.

The panel also got the opportunity to plug the Editors Directory and the recommended rates of pay.

One would have thought three hours would be sufficient to answer it all, but by the end the attendees were asking for a part 2!

Huge thanks to KSP Writers Centre for having us and we hope to be back for a part 2 in 2024.