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August 2020 Editors SA

Branch President seeks your opinion We are nearing the end of winter and with the promise of warmer weather I am looking forward to meeting with you again in person, restrictions permitting. Your SA branch committee is working on events for the rest of this year, and...

July 2020 Editors SA

Note from the Branch President by Lauren Bevilacqua I hope you’re enjoying the new IPEd-wide newsletter and online events that branches are currently hosting. It’s been great to see what our colleagues across IPEd are doing and be able to join events...

June 2020 Editors SA

Note from the president Well, the year is flying by and we are in June already. That means for many of us it is time for end-of-financial year tasks like sorting out tax returns. If you were lucky enough to have attended our May event with chartered accountant Lauren...

May 2020 Editors SA

From the president It was exciting to host our first branch event via Zoom at the end of April and I hope it will be the first of many over coming months. Up next we have a Zoom event on 19 May 2020 with special guest Lauren Thiel who will be sharing her wisdom on...

April 2020 Editors SA

From the president by Lauren Bevilacqua The year has gotten off to a rocky start, but there are still good things to celebrate amid the chaos. It was great to see an enthusiastic contingent of editors at our Writers’ Week breakfast and if you have picked up some great...