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Members respond to COVID-19 survey

IPEd has completed the first of a series of surveys to seek feedback about the initial effects of COVID-19 on IPEd members and their employment, editing work and other related activities. The information will be used as part of IPEd’s ongoing support and advocacy for...

May 2020 Editors Aotearoa NZ

From the president/committee (This is an abridged version of my talk at our recent speaker event on 20 April on Zoom) Kia ora. It is nearly a year since our first branch meeting at the Melbourne conference in May last year and about 10 months since our first proper...

May 2020 Editors QLD

From the president: committee report Hi all As we settle into life under our new Zoom overlords, I have been thinking a lot about how the world is changing and how editors are one of the groups best suited to our state-imposed lifestyle. As one of the vulnerable, I...

May 2020 Editors VIC

From the vice-president by Jane Fitzpatrick AE Greetings all In a parallel, pandemic-free universe, members of Editors Victoria are going out this month for a swanky dinner to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our formation! In this world, however, we have postponed...

SfEP transforms into CIEP

Image: CIEP Logo The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) has been awarded chartered status by Her Majesty the Queen. London-based CIEP was formerly the Society for Editors and Proofreaders (SfEP), which was established in 1988. CIEP was awarded a...

Fair pay rates for self-employed editors

IPEd’s Pay Rates Working Party (PRWP) has completed the first phase of its work, researching and developing a scale of fair hourly pay rates for self-employed Australian editors at three stages of their careers and/or levels of expertise. The information will be...