October 2023
Vol. 4 No. 9 | ISSN: 2652-5836
Welcome to the October issue of Gatherings.
This month, on the fifth anniversary of her death, we remember Janet Mackenzie and celebrate her legacy.
Nominations for the Janet Mackenzie Medal, IPEd’s highest award are now open. See more about how to nominate in this issue.
Also in this issue, we’re excited to share that IPEd’s Julie Ganner AE and Dr Agata Mrva-Montoya have been shortlisted for the Accessible Books Consortium’s (ABC) 2023 International Excellence Award for Accessible Publishing. Read more on their shortlisting in this issue. We explore the many benefits of accreditation, plus we have the latest update on the Standards. We’re also delighted to share a review of Dr Renée Otmar’s Editing for sensitivity, diversity and inclusion: A guide for professional editors.
Are you following IPEd’s social accounts? Find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter. And don’t forget to tag us when sharing your events or news. We’re always keen to see what our members are up to and excited to share your successes!

Upcoming events and workshops
EdANZ: Editors Aotearoa New Zealand Annual Branch Meeting – members only
Date: Tuesday 10 October 2023
EdSA: Editors SA morning tea in McLaren Vale
Date: Sunday 15 October 2023
EdsQ: Spring Sunday Lunch
Date: Sunday 22 October 2023
EdVic: Small press publishing in Australia, with Tim Coronel
Date: Tuesday 24 October
Editing historical fiction (Intermediate level), with Renée Otmar
Date: Saturday 28 October and Saturday 18 November 2023
Accredited skills workshop: copyediting, style sheets and author queries
Date: Sunday 29 October 2023
IPEd 2023 Annual General Meeting
Date: Monday 6 November 2023
Accredited skills workshop: copyediting, style sheets and author queries
Date: Sunday 3 December 2023
IPEd news and updates

Remembering Janet Mackenzie and her legacy
On the fifth anniversary of her death, we speak to Janet’s friends and colleagues, Kerry Davies and Dr Renée Otmar, about the legacy Janet has left at IPEd and throughout the wider editing profession in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Last weeks to nominate for the Mackenzie
Nominations for the 2024 Mackenzie close on 31 October 2023.

IPEd members shortlisted for international accessible publishing excellence award
IPEd’s Julie Ganner AE and Dr Agata Mrva-Montoya have been shortlisted for the Accessible Books Consortium’s (ABC) 2023 International Excellence Award for Accessible Publishing.

Benefits of accreditation – why sit the exam?
Becoming an IPEd Accredited Editor (AE) has many benefits. This can be demonstrated by the number of editors who choose to renew their accreditation every five years, some for the third time now. Here are four benefits of sitting the exam.

Book review: You might not think this is about you: It is
Kerry Davies AE reviews Dr Renée Otmar‘s Editing for sensitivity, diversity and inclusion: a guide for professional editors.

HNSA announces shortlists for 2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize
The Historical Novel Society Australasia has announced the shortlists for the 2023 ARA Historical Novel Prize.
News from our affiliates and friends

The Roly Sussex Short Story Competition is open for entries.
Closing date: 15 October 2023

Tickets now on sale for 2023 SPN Independent Publishing Conference!
The Small Press Network (SPN) has announced that ticket sales for this year’s Independent Publishing Conference are now open.
It’s a three-day event, to be held at Melbourne’s Wheeler Centre and livestreamed on Zoom on Thursday 23, Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November.
Branch news
EdANZ: Editors Aotearoa New Zealand Annual Branch Meeting – members only
Date: Tuesday 10 October 2023
Time: 7.30 pm NZDT (ANZ)
Location: Online via Zoom
Bookings close: 6.00 pm NZDT, Tuesday 10 October 2023
EdSA: Editors SA morning tea in McLaren Vale
Date: Sunday 15 October 2023
Time: 10.00 am ACDT (SA)
Location: Bracegirdle’s McLaren Vale Cafe: 190 Main Road, McLaren Vale, SA 5171
Bookings close: 5.00 pm ACDT, Thursday 12 October 2023
EdsQ: Spring Sunday Lunch
Date: Sunday 22 October 2023
Time: 12.00pm to 2.30pm (AEST)
Location: The Gardens Club cafe, 75 Gardens Point Rd, Brisbane
Bookings close: 6.00 pm, Wednesday 18 October 2023
EdVic: Small press publishing in Australia, with Tim Coronel (speaker event)
Date: Tuesday 24 October
Time: 6.45 pm to 8.00 pm AEST (VIC)
Location: online via Zoom
Bookings: via Memnet
Editing historical fiction (Intermediate level), with Dr Renée Otmar
Date: Saturday 28 October and Saturday 18 November 2023 (must be able to attend both sessions!)
Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Bookings close: Midnight AEDT, Thursday 12 October 2023.
Details: This two-part workshop is designed for experienced editors who wish to develop specialist skills for historical fiction. You may have experience in editing fiction but not have tackled historical fiction, or perhaps you have experience in editing nonfiction historical narratives and you’re keen to add historical fiction to your repertoire.
In this workshop you will be working with a live, unpublished manuscript of historical fiction. You will be required to read the manuscript before the first session and to undertake homework between sessions. The first session will take the form of a seminar, with exercises and opportunities for discussion and to ask questions of a general nature.
The second session will be an in-depth discussion of the manuscript and will focus on deciding the essential next steps for the editor: either crafting a manuscript assessment or undertaking a developmental edit.
Accredited skills workshop: copyediting, style sheets and author queries
Date: Sunday 29 October 2023
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm AEDT (Vic/NSW)
Location: Online via Zoom
Bookings close: 5.00 pm AEDT, Friday 20 October 2023.
Details: This online workshop aims to give a brief overview of the fundamental editing skills required of a competent copyeditor, as tested in the Manuscript part of the IPEd accreditation exam. It is recommended for anyone thinking of sitting the next exam, as well as those new to copyediting or editors wishing to improve their copyediting skills. Potential accreditation candidates should note the IPEd advice that the exam is designed for those with three years’ full-time copyediting experience or equivalent, and that this workshop alone is not sufficient to teach the skills required.
The workshop will be held as a full-day event, broken into two three-hour Zoom sessions with a one-hour break between for lunch. The workshop is interactive and hands-on, with workbooks provided to lead you through the ideas and give you sample texts to work on.
IPEd 2023 Annual General Meeting
Date: Monday 6 November 2023
Time: 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Accredited skills workshop: copyediting, style sheets and author queries
Date: Sunday 3 December 2023
Time: 10.00 am to 5.00 pm AEDT
Location: Online via Zoom
Bookings close: 5.00 pm AEDT, Friday 20 October 2023.
Details: This online workshop aims to give a brief overview of the fundamental editing skills required of a competent copyeditor, as tested in the Manuscript part of the IPEd accreditation exam. It is recommended for anyone thinking of sitting the next exam, as well as those new to copyediting or editors wishing to improve their copyediting skills. Potential accreditation candidates should note the IPEd advice that the exam is designed for those with three years’ full-time copyediting experience or equivalent, and that this workshop alone is not sufficient to teach the skills required.
The workshop will be held as a full-day event, broken into two three-hour Zoom sessions with a one-hour break between for lunch. The workshop is interactive and hands-on, with workbooks provided to lead you through the ideas and give you sample texts to work on.