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Annual Branch Meeting 2023

We invite you to the EdANZ Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) on Tuesday 10 October at 7.30pm. Book now.

Our core committee is staying on for 2024. Some of us are changing roles, which means now is a great time to join the committee and help run EdANZ.

Editors at all stages of their careers are welcome to join. Everyone has ideas and experience that they can bring to the committee, whether you have been editing for 30 years or have just started out. There are lots of personal benefits of being on the committee too. These include:

  • connecting with fellow editors in Aotearoa and Australia
  • getting to know like-minded people in our industry
  • developing new skills and knowledge
  • having fun – we are a friendly bunch of people!

If you’re keen to take on any of the following roles, we would love to hear from you:

  • president
  • secretary
  • social media manager
  • events coordinator
  • newsletter assistant.

Here’s a bit more about what’s involved.

President: coordinates the committee and meets with other branch presidents and the IPEd board. Advocates for the interests of EdANZ members.

Secretary: keeps meeting minutes and contributes ideas.

Social media manager: posts content to the EdANZ Facebook group and wider editing community groups. Posts can include branch and events information, industry news, employment opportunities.

Events coordinator: works with the Standing Committee on Professional Development (SCPD) to run events for EdANZ members.

Newsletter assistant: a new role to help Jane Matthews, our Gatherings coordinator, manage EdANZ contributions.

EdANZ members can also represent our branch on IPEd’s standing committees and working parties. These roles help shape IPEd and they contribute to improving the resources available on the IPEd website.

If you have questions about the committee or any of the roles, feel free to email Deborah or Joan. We’d love to hear from you!

Deborah Shaw:

Joan Gladwyn:

Even if you don’t intend to join the committee, we look forward to seeing you on October 10 for the ABM. Book now.


New members 

EdANZ is pleased to welcome members who have joined or upgraded since the last newsletter.

Student/graduate member:

Ella Fische