1 October 2020 | October 2020
Remembering John Bangsund: Muphry’s Law by Bridget Blair This month we introduce a short series of articles by the inimitable John Bangsund, who was editor of the Society of Editors (Victoria) Newsletter between 1978 and 1996. John was well known for his witty,...
1 October 2020 | October 2020
‘NAPLAN generation’ could provide more work for editors The Conversation has published two articles focusing on the education shortfalls that stem from the high-pressure National Assessment Program — Literacy And Numeracy (NAPLAN) test. The articles argue that as...
1 October 2020 | October 2020
CEO Karen Lee reports on IPEd’s submission to senate inquiry Welcome to the October issue of Gatherings. During September, IPEd made a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Education and Employment, which is inquiring into the Higher Education Support...
1 October 2020 | Editors ANZ, October 2020
EdANZ by Caroline Simpson Kia ora, This year is going in leaps and crawls. It helps me to balance time if I look at what we have achieved and remind myself of the progress we are making amid the upset of wider happenings. This year has been all about finding our feet...
1 October 2020 | Editors NSW, October 2020
EdNSW committee discusses online PD by Paul Anderson and Robert Rowe The Editors NSW branch committee met online on 8 September 2020 for its monthly meeting. President Robert Rowe submitted branch input to the IPEd Annual Report, summarising NSW branch activity during...
1 October 2020 | October 2020
Sciflyers Zoom meeting IPEd members who work on science publications are warmly invited to join the first Australia and New Zealand-wide Zoom networking session at 11am AEDT on Friday 9 October. We already have more than 25 people signed up, and for our first session...