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From the EdsQ Committee

An invitation:

  • learn from your peers
  • help shape EdsQ’s program of professional development
  • write it in your CV
  • learn new skills and practise existing ones

You are invited to join our great Events team, coordinating speaker events (5 per year), or coordinating PD workshops (c. 2 per year) in liaison with the Standing Committee on Professional Development. 

We’d love to hear from you.

We already have someone for the Events coordinator role to provide backup, but they can’t always be available, so it would be great if the two of you could work together. The committee will give you all the support and ideas we can, too.

We’d love to have two people in our PD workshops coordinator role, too, to support each other. There will be technical support available, so you don’t need to worry about anything like that. Don’t forget you are able to access the workshops for free if you volunteer to help coordinate them.

Get in touch! No question is too silly!

AND … We are now looking for someone to be our Facebook officer – entering content on Facebook to promote EdsQ events. Is this you? It’s not a lot of work, but you will need to monitor the page.

Please contact Glenine Hamlyn (President) on for more information or to express your interest.

Would you like to be a buddy, or be “buddied”?

EdsQ is looking for IPEd members affiliated with EdsQ to act as “buddies” for new members. You would make yourself available to answer any questions and explain things like how MemNet works, what EdsQ does and anything else new members would like to know. 

Are you a [relatively] new member of IPEd, affiliated with Editors Queensland? We would love to provide a buddy for you – someone who can answer questions about IPEd and EdsQ. Again, there’s no question too silly! Let us know if you’d like to take advantage of this service, and we’ll try to find someone who can be a buddy for you.