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We say a fond farewell to two branch delegates, Desolie Page AE and Dr Vicki Nelson AE, and extend our sincere thanks for their service. Desolie was the delegate for EdsQ for eight years, and Chair of the Accreditation Board (AB) from late 2017 to the end of 2018. Vicki was delegate for EdTas for four years. We will miss their lively contributions to our meetings and their valuable input into all the AB’s work. 

We warmly welcome our two new delegates, Charlotte Cottier AE and Dr Eve White AE.

As of September, the AB comprises seven branch delegates: Helen Bradford (EdANZ), Charlotte Cottier (EdsQ), Linda Nix (EdNSW), Catherine Macdonald (EdWA), Susan Pierotti (EdVic), Jo Vabolis (EdSA) and Eve White (EdTas); and one skills-based member, Ted Briggs. All AB members are Accredited Editors. 

Dr Linda Nix AE
Chair, IPEd Accreditation Board