Your EdANZ committee
Welcome to part two of our “Meet the committee” series. Last month (in part one), we introduced the executive group and ex officio roles. This month we’re checking in with our other committee members.
Training Officer – Susi Bailey (standing down at ABM)
The EdANZ branch Training Officer is responsible for organising professional development for EdANZ members and online IPEd-wide workshops in collaboration with the other branches. Most of our PD events are held online, so the person in this role can be based anywhere.
Susi Bailey has been the branch Training Officer since 2019. She works alongside the Events Officer (position vacant) and events team (currently three other members), and with the EdANZ committee and IPEd administrators. She chairs fortnightly events-team meetings, represents EdANZ at six-weekly Standing Committee for Professional Development meetings, reports at monthly EdANZ committee meetings and attends the branch AGM.
The role involves creating an annual calendar of PD events for EdANZ, consulting with EdANZ members over training requirements, running workshops as part of the IPEd-coordinated PD calendar, working with the Budget Officer and Branch President to set the annual PD budget, building a network of presenters and managing training events.
The role is great for expanding your professional network and allows you to work alongside some really interesting people in the editing and publishing world across Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. And, of course, you get to attend PD events free of charge! It would suit someone who is organised and who has ideas for training opportunities our members would enjoy and benefit from.
Events Officer – position currently vacant
The branch Events Officer is responsible for organising social and networking events for EdANZ members. The officer is part of the EdANZ events team (currently four members) and works closely with the Training Officer, Social Media Officer, Newsletter Coordinator and IPEd administration. They attend fortnightly events-team meetings, report at monthly EdANZ committee meetings and attend the branch AGM.
For in-person events, the Events Officer and events team provide support to local hosts, help with booking venues, organise speakers, arrange advertising, control budgeting and finances, and deal with any correspondence. In addition, the Events Officer works with the events team to organise online branch social networking events such as the Zoom Christmas party and Meet Our Member series.
Like the Training Officer role, this position is ideal for someone who is organised, has good ideas for social and networking events, and who enjoys meeting new people. Again, the person in this role can be based anywhere.
Outreach Officer
The Outreach Officer promotes the editing profession and creates greater awareness of IPEd and EdANZ among stakeholders. Alison Wilson took up the Outreach Officer role when it was created in October 2021. She liaises with the Branch President and committee members to produce promotional material, and takes on advocacy projects.
The role is evolving into an interesting one. For example, the Outreach Officer may be preparing a presentation on what editors do, or writing a short piece on the benefits of becoming an IPEd member one month, and helping to promote the IPEd accreditation scheme in Aotearoa the next.
We are currently working on developing guidelines for editors to use when editing te reo Māori text. The role also involves updating and managing the database of industry contacts, and reaching out to those on it to build stronger relationships.
If you would like to discuss outreach opportunities, please contact Alison (
Social media
The Social Media Officer communicates all branch information and events to EdANZ members in the closed EdANZ Facebook group, and advertises branch events to the wider editing community in specific industry Facebook groups. Marja Stack has been in this role since 2019 when EdANZ was formed.
The Social Media Officer receives the information from the events team, Training Officer or committee, then creates and schedules posts on Facebook. They also share other industry information such as employment opportunities. The Social Media Officer liaises with the IPEd communications team to share the event information on the IPEd social media pages, and with other industry contacts who share the information with their teams or students.
Marja is also a member of the IPEd Standards Working Party, which has met weekly since November 2021 to review IPEd’s Australian standards for editing practice. The review will ensure the standards are up to date, and that they are now also appropriate for editors in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Website and newsletter
Each branch supplies information about the branch for the IPEd website. When our branch was formed in 2019, Joan Gladwyn provided the initial information and continues to update the website when changes occur.
Joan also works with the Newsletter Coordinator for EdANZ, Jane Matthews, to collate content for the EdANZ section of the Gatherings newsletter.
When new members apply to join IPEd, they choose a branch and the Membership Coordinator writes to welcome them and gives them information that is specific to the branch. Joan Gladwyn welcomes new members to EdANZ and works with IPEd’s Membership Secretary to keep the membership list up to date.
New members
A warm welcome to our new associate members Alexandra Mary Noonan and Helen O’Neill. We hope to meet you in person or via Zoom soon.
EdANZ annual branch meeting
Editors Aotearoa New Zealand invites you to be part of our annual branch meeting (ABM) via Zoom on 18 October at 7.30 pm. We are pleased to announce that Ruth Davies AE, chair of the IPEd board, is our guest speaker. Ruth will be talking to us about IPEd’s strategic plans and how these relate to members of Editors Aotearoa New Zealand. There will also be a short report from each current committee member on the past year, and we will be voting in the new committee for the 2022–2023 year.
Volunteering for the committee is a rewarding professional opportunity and gives you the chance to contribute to our organisation’s future direction. Please contact Bella Mae at if you need more information on what is involved with volunteering for the branch.
Nominations for the committee can be sent to Bella Mae at They can be made by financial voting members of the branch (professional members and accredited editors), must be signed by the member being nominated and must be received by Friday, 7 October. Links to the nomination form will be provided in the registration confirmation email.
Agenda items can be sent to Bella Mae at
We hope to see you there.
Upcoming event
EdANZ Annual Branch Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 18 October 2022, 7.30 pm NZST
Location: online via Zoom
Book: here.

The Institute of Professional Editors Limited (IPEd) is the professional association for Australian and New Zealand editors.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Traditional Owners, Custodians of Country and First Nations in Australia, and to Māori as tangata whenua and te Tiriti o Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand.