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Changing the guard

At the 2021 Annual Branch Meeting, we farewelled two members of the 2020 executive committee, Elizabeth Spiegel AE and Melita Eagling AE, and welcomed a new member, Catherine Munro AE. 

The new committee:

  • Sheelagh Wegman AE
  • Alex Sutherland
  • Catherine Munro AE
  • Sabine Borgis
  • Liz Charpleix AE
  • Gordon Campbell AE (ex-officio, as our IPEd Board representative)
  • Eve White AE (ex-officio, as our Accreditation Board representative)

The new committee will select a branch President at its next meeting.

After the formal part of proceedings, interstate guests joined us for our quiz night, when we answered questions about pen names, prizes and words. 

Elizabeth Spiegel AE
Immediate past President, EdTas