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Cultural editing and sensitivity reading speaker presentation 

by Kayt Duncan

Speaker Grace Lucas-Pennington wanted to leave us with three key takeaways from her September presentation on cultural editing and sensitivity reading: 

  • we all have a cultural identity, be it spiritual, emotional or social

  • Indigenous cultural and intellectual property is important

  • we must all play a critical role in the publishing industry, to “do no harm”. 

Her captivating talk was full of rich, resonating ideas, truths and emerging trends and laid out some elements in the path of a strong and prosperous period in Australian writing. With the combined effort of writers supported by editors who understand Grace’s “iceberg” concept of culture, we were gifted with the idea that positive cohesive collaboration will contribute works produced with time focused creatively rather than on unnecessary complications in relationships.

If you missed this consuming and topical presentation, you can now download the video, which includes all the recommended resources via MemNet.

Brisbane Friday after-work drinks 

by Kayt Duncan

The second in our series of Friday after-work drinks social get-togethers in Brisbane was a small but chatty affair. The Covent Garden in West End had a superb list of wines to choose from to accompany the conversation that covered social media, university life, and just a spot of “shop”. These casual catch-ups will continue on Friday 5 November, with the venue to be advertised in the branch Facebook group. Hope to see you there.

Upcoming events calendar
Image of EdsQ members at lunch at The Continental.

Brisbane lunch at The Continental, Saturday 18 September. L–R: Josephine and Allen Brown, Ian Mathieson, Louise Fryer, Narelle, Jeni Lewington, Ruth Davies, Therese Rey-Conde, Anne-Marie Tripp, Glenine Hamlyn.

On Wednesday 6 October you can turn CSI off because our speaker presentation will have Meg Vann talking about crime fiction. Gather your forensic questions together, put on your gloves and join us for a fascinating talk on editing crime fiction.

Brisbane members can enjoy another social lunch on Saturday 23 October at 12pm, venue TBA. Registration will be available via MemNet in October.

To end the year, on Wednesday 3 November we will welcome Roslyn Petelin to talk to us about recent developments in language, from an editor’s perspective. Christmas dinner across all Queensland regions is currently marked in the diary for Friday 3 December. Details about the multiple venues will be available soon.

Since you can never have too many reasons to celebrate, don’t forget that Brisbane members will get together at the summer picnic on Saturday 23 January at the Sherwood Arboretum, 39A Turner Street, Sherwood. Watch this space to see if regional social New Year lunches take shape. 

To keep up to date with all the events and activities happening around the state, like the EdsQ Facebook group.