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By SPCP Acting Chair, Stephanie Holt

IPEd’s Standing Committee on Professional Development (SCPD) is gearing up to offer a range of training workshops, with a booked-out session on Macros 101 for PC in October, and (already booked out) another Accreditation Skills workshop on copyediting, stylesheets and author queries in December. We’re also thrilled to offer a new workshop on working with First Nations characters in fiction, which will be run by editor, novelist and IPEd member Angie Martin. Details will be sent to members shortly.

SCPD workshops are developed in consultation with other IPEd committees, and are intended to complement branch PD offerings. We encourage branches who don’t have a permanent PD Officer sitting on SCPD to send an observer to our meetings, so we can all stay in the loop. We’ll email branches prior to meetings to facilitate this. Our next meeting is Monday 13 November.

The second part of the Macros 101 for PC workshop is in November, when participants will have a chance to hear about more-advanced options for Macros from expert presenters Paul Beverley (UK) and Jennifer Yankopulos (US), who will also field questions and check in about the “homework” provided at the first session. They refined their presentation for us, after feedback – and strong member demand! – from a previous workshop, and were thrilled with the effectiveness of a platform-specific focus. But don’t worry, Mac users – a Mac version of the course is scheduled for February 2024.

We’ll also be organising training soon for PD helpers and our SCPD Support Crew. This has been a bit slow getting underway, but if you put up your hand to assist, we’ll be in touch soon.