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For historical reasons, IPEd’s professional development prices and presenter payments have varied, sometimes considerably, across branches and types of PD. The IPEd Board, Branch Presidents and the Standing Committee for Professional Development (SCPD) have therefore been working together on our PD pricing structure to ensure that what we pay presenters and charge for the PD is fair, consistent and aligned across all branches.

After taking into account industry standards, we will be roughly doubling payments to presenters. As a result, some of our PD prices will increase by a small amount.

The new cost structure will be as follows and will apply across all of IPEd:


Members and affiliates A$30 per hour (the current average)
Student members 70% of the member price
Non-members 40% higher than the member price
Speaker meetings A$15 per session


These prices are provided as a guide, recognising that sometimes the cost of the presentation will be more expensive and therefore the attendee price would have to reflect that.

This new pricing structure still provides significant value for members while at the same time ensuring IPEd-wide equity for both presenters and attendees.

* Note that NZ$ prices for ANZ participants will be provided shortly. They will be equivalent to the A$ prices.