By Mark Taylor

1 ‘Lite’ tops new order: natural, fresh and tasty (3-3)
5 Wash away the sin, accepting church’s first right to name (8)
9 Gender is fluid, so plan it again (8)
10 Wartime look? It’s back, wearing his uniform for starters (6)
11 23a treat sought after kiss, got back rebuff (3,5,4)
13 Bean curd in part of Uzbek recipe (4)
14 The unconscious self – being who you are! (8)
17 Watched as drove crazy, infected by cattle disease (8)
18 Turf dope (4)
20 Revival at 23a after rest-cure and iron treatment (12)
23 Assumption of Saint in each Queen Festival (6)
24 Swiping a grand from Tortuga, pirated taking in navy corps renegade (8)
25 Just hitched, Wendy upset about ill-treatment of Lew (8)
26 Naval hero in the hold? (6)
2 Harbinger makes famous submariner surface (4)
3 Get any ale served here, no charge so Hue’s drunk (4,5)
4 City father lost face, sacked for traitor’s fee in silver (6)
5 Pointed to unwise procedure in treatment of rot in candida, etc (15)
6 Held out about a boy chasing your sister (8)
7 Young chook loses lots of noisy disputes (5)
8 Having none left alive, exit failed state (assuming one not caught) (10)
12 Ute ad bloke directed needs another look, surprisingly (6,4)
15 Sort of detail I clench at interpreting (9)
16 Financially extend guardianship, held up after excess (8)
19 French car losing energy: a lemon? (6)
21 Up to peacekeepers to involve local leaders (5)
22 Allied group seconds into Kazahk strike force (4)