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From the president

The EdTas committee has seen some changes in the past couple of months. Elizabeth Spiegel’s retirement from the committee created a vacancy for the position of president, which I agreed to take on. Elizabeth was instrumental in making the 2021 IPEd conference a success and we wish her all the best for the future. 

Unfortunately, our Budget Officer, Liz Charpleix, resigned more recently due to ill health and we wish her a speedy recovery. The committee decided to try to manage the simple financial transactions directly with IPEd staff rather than refill this position from our limited membership pool.

We are very fortunate to have Gordon Campbell as our Director on the IPEd Board. He has also taken on the position of Training Director and has joined the Standing Committee for Professional Development. Thanks also to Eve White, who volunteered to be our new representative on the Accreditation Board.

You can find an update of the EdTas committee positions here.

Like last year, this year we will again represent the editing profession with a stall at the Tasmanian Indie Author Book Fair at Brooke Street Pier on the Hobart waterfront, on Saturday 14 May. This provides a valuable opportunity to interact with local self-publishing writers and raise awareness of the services editors can offer them. You can find more information at

Our traditional in-person mid-winter book chat will return in July, after a two year break, with details to be confirmed.

We also hope to organise two Zoom sessions later in the year, one on “Pathways to editing” (panel presentation) and one on tips for structural editing mark-up in MS Word. We are still looking for suitable presenters. 


By Sabine Borgis, President, EdTas