Societies of editors vote for IPEd direct membership
The member societies of IPEd have passed the special resolution to support the transition of IPEd to a national direct membership organisation representing Australian editors.
The resolution was passed at a Special General Meeting of IPEd on Tuesday 17 November.
The IPEd vote was held following transition ballots by the societies, which required 75% of those eligible members voting to approve that society’s resolution/s and produced the following results:

In accordance with the IPEd constitution, each society has a number of votes allocated according to its membership number at 31 May 2015, and votes according to its members’ ballot result.
There were a total of 106 votes, with 87 (82%) for the resolution and 19 (18%) against. In order to pass, the resolution required that at least 75% of the votes be in favour.
The societies that passed the resolution will form the new IPEd at the transition date of 1 July 2016, becoming branches of IPEd and continuing to run their local activities.
The societies that did not pass the resolution, the Canberra Society of Editors, Society of Editors (WA) and Society of Editors (Tasmania), may choose to hold a second ballot within four months of the IPEd vote – by 3 April 2016 – to be able to become branches of IPEd at the transition date.
Individual members of the societies that have not passed the resolution will still be able to apply for membership of IPEd from the transition date.
Many thanks to all societies, their committees and their members for their participation in the vote.
Kerry Davies
Chair, IPEd Council