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Your opportunity to help IPEd advocate for better pay rates.

IPEd is currently seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from Professional Members to join the Pay Rates Working Party (PRWP). The PRWP was formed in 2019 to research pay rates for freelance and in-house editors, and build on that research to assist members to improve their earning capacity.

In this round, we are specifically seeking EOIs from Aotearoa New Zealand (EdANZ) members and members from either country who have experience as in-house editors, as contractors of freelance editors and/or as freelance editors who regularly work directly with publishers (or who have done so in the recent past).

To date the PRWP has conducted this research for Australian freelance editors and published a range of rates on the IPEd website, commensurate with training, experience and expertise, required to support a sustainable freelance business. Focusing on editors’ work, income and expenses, the PRWP has also created the 2021 IPEd member survey, which will inform its further work, as well as assist IPEd’s advocacy for members.

The PRWP is now seeking to establish similar pay scales for EdANZ members and to begin research into in-house salaries and working conditions in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, as well as pay rates offered by publishing houses to contractors.

Please see the original PRWP Terms of Reference for details, bearing in mind that quite a bit has changed due to the work we’ve already done. (Log into the member portal and go to standing committees to view the ToR.)

EOIs should be emailed, including details of your relevant professional experience, and using the subject line ‘EOI to join the Pay Rates Working Party’, to Nicole Mathers at no later than COB Monday 10 May 2021.