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From the committee

by Camilla Cripps

The Editors NSW committee meeting was held on Tuesday 13 February 2024. The meeting received three apologies and was chaired by Julie Ganner AE over Zoom.

The committee heard from Marita Smith AE and Anne Edwards, the NSW delegates to the IPEd Standing Committee on Professional Development. Marita and Anne are excited about generating PD opportunities of specific interest or local relevance to New South Wales members.

Working closely with our two professional development officers is our presentations coordinator, Dr Kai Jensen AE, who continues to plan our busy presentations schedule for 2024. Presentations for the coming months include Kai’s own “How to get editing work in Australian universities” (2 April) and “Editing the Autistic voice: Dr Clem Bastow in conversation with Dr Louise Merrington AE” (7 May). See the IPEd events page for more information.

In related events news, February saw Branch President Julie Ganner AE present on her recent publication, Books without barriers: a practical guide to inclusive publishing. Julie spoke to the importance of accessible editing and publishing practices, and provided practical measures that editors can implement to help increase the accessibility of the texts they are working on. Read more in the report in this issue of Gatherings.

Dr Kai Jensen AE is hosting a lunch in Moruya on the far south coast on Friday 8 March. Information can be found in the events section of the IPEd website.

Russell Noakes presented the latest budget information and the committee discussed costings and planning for future branch activities.

The committee sent a big thank you to Paul Anderson, who has stepped down as one of our branch proofreaders after the last few years helping to keep our eyes crossed and Ts dotted. Taking over this role is Camilla Cripps, who is also our news writer. She will be working alongside Robin Appleton HLM, who, though she left the committee some time ago, continues to cast her experienced gaze over our content for publication, as she has done for many years.

The Editors NSW branch committee now has a fairly full complement of volunteers, but we are always glad to hear from members looking to be involved in branch activities.

We extend a very warm welcome to everyone who has joined Editors NSW in the last few months.