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11th IPEd Editors Conference – thank you

A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the 11th IPEd Editors Conference a success. Thank you to the conference committee, our volunteers and all who attended.

We appreciate attendees for your receptiveness, high levels of engagement, for asking excellent questions during the sessions as well your encouraging comments, and sharing useful resources. The conference was a success because of you!

Thank you to those who organised the conference dinners for your branches. This was an essential part of the conference experience which gave members the opportunity to meet physically. We’re glad that the conference provided opportunities to share your learnings, experiences and also the opportunity for established branch members to catch up and to welcome potential new members to IPEd.

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors, Write Limited, Monash University Press and Biotext, for supporting the work of IPEd and helping to futureproof the editing profession.

Monash University Publishing logo Biotext logo Write Limited logo

I’d also like to recognise the EdANZ branch members who originally decided on the theme of “Futureproofing the editing profession” in 2021; this has proven to be prescient in the age of ChatGPT and other technological innovations and industry changes.

Special thanks go to a wonderful group of people who made up the volunteer conference organising committee. The indomitable Meredith Thatcher, Ruth Davies, Beverly Clunies Ross, Janet Hou and Communications Officer Cat Van. Also to staff Nicole Mathers and Erin Rundle for supporting the administrative and financial aspects of the conference. Deborah Shaw and Rebecca Fletcher for creating the conference website. Tonia Grundy for stepping up with your skills to assist us with video editing for the international panel and Janet Mackenzie Medal. I’d also like to acknowledge Cecile Shanahan and Patrick Cullen for some early feedback on the website and a special mention to Cat Van for the maintenance, updates and the incredible marketing and promotions you’ve done to elevate the conference.

I’d like to take the opportunity to single out Meredith Thatcher, who was with us on this journey from start to finish and played a pivotal role in shaping this event. We appreciate everything you’ve done for the event and IPEd. We look forward to working with you again.

Congratulations to Allison Turner (first place), Dr Aurora Lucien (second place) and Charlotte Cottier AE (third place), the winners of the conference trivia competition! Wasn’t that a great night?


IPEd Bookstore on Amazon

We’re sad to announce that the IPEd Bookshop will be closing.

This was launched as a trial in November 2021 as a way of delivering a bookshop dedicated to providing a catalogue of editorial resources.

Unfortunately, running the bookshop required a great deal more resourcing than we were able to commit to it.

We’re proud of the amazing titles that we promoted via the bookshop and the achievements from this project.

We hope to revisit this again in the future.



I’d like to give shout-outs to a number of extraordinary individuals and their achievements – some of these congratulations are slightly belated.

Congratulations to all of our award winners for 2023 – Lauren Connell for winning the IPEd Student Prize, Cathy Vallance for winning the Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award and Kerry Davies AE for winning the Janet Mackenzie Medal.

Congratulations to members of the Accessibility Initiative Working Party, Julie Ganner, Agata Mrva-Montoya, Maryanne Park and Kayt Duncan for the successful publication of Books without barriers, a groundbreaking two year project that will contribute to the transformation of the publishing industry, increasing accessibility and inclusivity.

Congratulations to members of the Pay and Conditions Standing Committee (PCSC), chaired by Kerry Davies AE, for releasing Working with self-employed editors: A guide for clients, a resource that editors can use to communicate a clear understanding of what is required from a project and build a strong working relationship with clients from the start. Thank you to the PCSC and Kerry for all the work that you do in advocating for editors and for the profession.


Good luck

I’d also like to announce that our wonderful Communications Officer, Cat Van, will be leaving IPEd to take up a new opportunity in her career. On behalf of the Board and all staff, we would like to acknowledge her wonderful work in ramping up IPEd’s marketing and comms and taking it to the next level. We wish you all the best.



The next Gatherings

As we’re currently in the process of recruiting, please note there may be a delay in the publication of the next Gatherings. Thank you for your understanding.