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South Island catch up: regional event in May
by Joan Gladwyn

In early May, we had the opportunity to catch up with other editors in our regions. The South Island meeting kicked off the series with 16 attendees, of which 10 were IPEd members. After introductions, discussion centred around university contract arrangements for freelance editors and professional training recommendations for new editors. The Wellington regional group met the next day (with seven attendees, including from Kapiti and Wairarapa).

Their discussion centred on the effects of lockdown on our businesses and was informed by advice from the training session in February by Alistair McDonald. Next off the block was the central North Island regional group of five attendees, who discussed training opportunities and trends in language. Finally, the Auckland regional group rounded off the week with seven participants with widely varying experiences. Topics included the impacts on our businesses from the lockdown and longer-term issues like the perceived need for training in marketing. It was lovely to be able to welcome editors from further afield: an editor from Norfolk Island and a New Zealand-born editor who had returned home from years of working abroad to shelter in place.

Participants were keen to repeat such meetings, with perhaps a mixture of regional catch ups combined with national meetings on particular themes. We will be planning our next round for dates in June or July. 

The president summed up the week with this observation: ‘Our conversation brought home how many different ways there are to work as an editor and yet we all have so much in common.’

South Island catch up

Photo: Participants at the South Island catch-up meeting
Photo credit: Marja Stack

Joan Gladwyn is the EdANZ’s website coordinator and can be contacted at