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Happy new year! 

The beginning of the year is often a time of change and that is also true for IPEd. 

Russell Noakes will shortly be stepping down as IPEd’s Company Secretary. Russell stepped into the role in February 2020 and has since served IPEd and its members with enthusiasm and diligence. In addition to his role as Company Secretary, Russell was a director of IPEd between 2019 and 2023.

Russell is also an active member of the NSW branch, which he joined in 2015. He has served as Budget Officer for the NSW branch since 2016, a role he will continue. 

Russell has been a wonderful asset to IPEd. We thank him for his contribution to the IPEd Board and wish him all the best for the future. 

We will shortly share an EOI for Company Secretary. 

Looking ahead to 2024

With the launch of the third edition of the Standards and an accreditation exam on the calendar, it’s shaping up to be a lively year. 

We’ll keep you updated and informed via Gatherings, but we’re also active across our social channels – LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X. So if you’re using those platforms, be sure to follow us.