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By the Pay and Conditions Standing Committee

In November 2022, IPEd released the second version of the draft Client guidelines, revised in response to earlier members’ feedback, to members to trial with their clients, including publishers. We invited you to provide feedback from the perspective of editor or client by 28 February, for a final revision before they are released publicly. We have now extended that deadline to Monday 13 March 2023. The guidelines are available in the IPEd member portal.

The guidelines have been developed to help self-employed editors and their clients work together. They aim to better inform you and your clients about what constitutes fair and acceptable professional practice, and to provide principles for preventing or solving problems in the editor–client relationship.

Thank you to those members who have already provided feedback – your comments are valued. This next stage of revision will be crucial to ensure that the guidelines are the best they can be for editors and their clients.

We propose that editors give the guidelines to their clients when negotiating an agreement, whether formal or informal. We welcome feedback from either party.

Please consider these feedback questions

Please read the guidelines and consider their value to you, as either editor or client:

  • How do you believe the guidelines will improve your working relationship?
  • Do you think the content is comprehensive or perhaps too complex?
  • Can you suggest anything to add, delete or change?
  • Any other feedback?

Please send your comments to Nicole Mathers at
by Monday 13 March. This trial period precedes public release of the guidelines.

The guidelines can be used with the editor–client agreement template developed by IPEd and the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) in 2020, which is available on IPEd’s member portal here.