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Profile: SA member Tina Morganella

During polite conversation, I was asked the inevitable, ‘So, what do you do for a living?’. When I said I was a freelance copyeditor, this woman reeled back in horror. She followed that physical reaction with, ‘Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that! That’s awful!’. We both laughed but I was struck by her extreme reaction.

Clearly, editing is not exactly everyone’s idea of a good time. But her response also made me reflect on why I enjoy it so much. For me, it’s about the discipline and the soothing methodical process of checking and correcting. I also find editing constantly challenging. I know that I will never have all the answers and that each document I edit will present me with new avenues for learning.

I’ve held part-time positions in two universities over the past 15 years, so much of my regular and part-time freelance work has been in the academic realm. I regularly edit journal articles, books and book chapters, conference papers and theses. I find it especially humbling when a PhD student sends me their ‘baby’ to edit, trusting a stranger with what is usually the most important writing project they’ve ever undertaken.  When I’m given any document that’s problematic and full of errors, it’s like being presented a deer with a broken leg — I get to fix it and then watch as the deer happily runs off into the forest. I’m not even kidding. That’s the feeling I get.

Currently, I’m freelancing full-time and enjoying some really interesting work from old and new clients from across Australia and overseas. I’m also venturing into copywriting and fiction editing for the first time and finding both a great challenge. I’m also a writer with an MPhil in creative writing from the University of Adelaide, and a portfolio of both fiction and non-fiction publications. In 2020, I also self-published my first book, Wear a Mask Cupid!,  an anthology of true stories about dating during COVID-19.

The only thing about freelance editing that is difficult to get used to is the solitary nature of the work. I’m an extrovert who loves working in a team. I love to exchange ideas, share experiences and learn from others. I recently joined IPEd hoping to alleviate some of this professional loneliness and connect with others who find editing a joy rather than an ‘awful’ experience. I’m looking forward to participating in events, undertaking workshops and finding my people.

Tina Morganella Profile

[Photo credit: Tina Morganella]