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From the president

Another month of staying at home, learning new ways of working or just tweaking old ways.

Late last year, IPEd branch presidents were discussing how we could better share professional development resources between branches, particularly for the benefit of members in rural and regional areas. This year, we have faced the challenge of making that happen.

I hope you have been able to take advantage of some of the presentations hosted by other branches. So far, I have booked for three Zoom presentations – one I attended, one I watched the recording and one I will be hosting.

By the time you read this, the latter will be in the past, so I hope it will have run smoothly. In June, we will have our traditional mid-winter book chat, but this year you will not need to travel to join it!

As things start opening again, we will be able to hold some meetings in person, but I am sure that we (and other branches) will also continue to offer online presentations open to everyone. Mark your calendar for our end-of-year lunch on 5 December, which after last year’s success will again be held in Ross.

Our branch committee meetings are held by Zoom on the first Wednesday of the month: as in-person meetings become possible again, we will decide whether to continue to Zoom. If you’re interested in joining the committee drop me a line.

Elizabeth Spiegel AE
President, Editors Tasmania

Conference news

Nothing new to announce this month, but be assured that the committee is beavering away, drafting a call for papers and a letter to potential sponsors.

We are looking for more blog posts: if you have anything to say about the ‘edges’ in your editing practice, or about conferences in general, get in touch at