Branch President Lauren bids farewell
by Lauren Bevilacqua
Thank you to the South Australian branch for the opportunity to be the Editors SA President over the past year. It has been encouraging to see how our branch has tried new ideas, kept up well-loved traditions and adapted to online events. I’d like to thank the people who have served on the branch committee with me throughout the past 12 months: Jo Vabolis, Adele Anderson, Mike Lim, Lauren Pitman, Melanie Dankel, Loene Doube, Jane Oliver and Angela Brennan. While some of us have stepped down or will be doing so, including me, I am excited to see what the next committee will bring to our branch. From what I’ve seen of plans for the rest of this year, there’s lots to look forward to.
Reflecting on my time volunteering on the branch committee, it’s fair to say our organisation relies on the active participation of members. I expect I will continue to volunteer in various ways apart from the committee, and I’d like to encourage all IPEd members to find a way, however small, to support their branch. It might be writing something for this newsletter. Perhaps you’ve got skills in social media that your branch could use. Maybe you can be an event host or organiser. It could even be as simple as sending an email to your branch committee with an event idea or suggestions for a guest speaker. From my time as president, I can tell you that every little bit helps your branch — and it also benefits you by expanding your editing horizons and enabling a vibrant profession. Whether you’re a student, associate or professional member, get involved and make a difference to the future of our organisation. Contact the Editors SA President or your branch committee to find out what volunteer opportunities are available in your area.
Lastly, I’ve enjoyed hosting the EdSA Book Club over the past few months, and I’m pleased to say the club will continue. I’ll host another free online Book Club event in October, so look out for details in your inbox, on social media or on our events page. Until then, happy editing.
Lauren Bevilacqua is an Editors SA Branch Committee member and was Branch President until September 2020. Contact her at
[Photo credit: Lauren Bevilacqua]
Welcome, new member
We are pleased to welcome new professional member Maria Stephens AE.
We hope you enjoy being part of Editors SA and take advantage of IPEd’s networks. We look forward to seeing you at our workshops and other events throughout the year. Familiarise yourself with Zoom to get the most out of 2020’s offerings — there will be a lot more distance events this year.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates. The newsletter will keep you informed of local and IPEd-wide news and events. These are all good forums for socialising and networking and, of course, provide opportunities to build your knowledge and expertise.
Get involved and don’t be shy. We’re thrilled to have you on board.
Editors SA communication and marketing update
by Lauren Pitman
Over the past year, I have served the Editors SA branch committee as a member and as the Communication and Marketing Team Coordinator. I’ve learned so much and been able to take part in event planning, social media coordination, newsletter editing, and planning the future of Editors SA with my fellow committee members.
Like Lauren Bevilacqua, I’ve decided to step down from my role and pass the baton to another member. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with the smart, passionate members of the branch committee, named above. I’d also like to thank the efforts of the wonderful volunteers on the communication team who have created and managed website and social media content, and coordinated and edited the newsletter: Sumudu Narayana, Mike Lim, Rosalie Wodecki, Ilona Wallace, Bridgett McDonald and Kerrie Le Lievre.
I strongly encourage members to get involved with the EdSA committee. It’s a great way to meet and work with your peers and flex your organisational and editing skills. If you’re interested, email or
Get in touch
If you’d like to send in a piece to be published in the newsletter and/or on social media, please email Your submission could be in text, a photo or series of photos, or you could record a video — it’s up to you. We’d love to hear from you.
Visit us on social media, like and follow our pages and share our events. Find Editors SA on Facebook and Twitter.

Lauren Pitman is an Editors SA Branch Committee member and was Communication and Marketing Coordinator until September 2020. Contact her at
[Photo credit: Lauren Pitman]
Upcoming events
Editors SA Annual Branch Meeting
Date: Wednesday 9 September 2020
Time: 6.30pm ACST
Local start times:
NZ: 9pm NZST
Norfolk Island: 8pm NFT
Tas/ACT/Vic/Qld/NSW: 7pm AEST
SA/NT: 6.30pm ACST
WA: 5pm AWST
Venue: Online via Zoom meetings; the Zoom meeting link in the confirmation email.
Cost: Registration is free.
Bookings close: Tuesday 8 September 2020
Editors SA Annual Branch Meeting (ABM)
EdSA, a branch of IPEd, invites you to the SA ABM at 6.30pm on Wednesday 9 September 2020 via Zoom. The meeting will comprise a report of the branch activities for the year and nomination and voting for committee members, followed by a guest speaker.
Nominations open for Editors SA committee
EdSA invites you to join our committee to help shape the direction of our branch and to coordinate our program for the coming year. You will be committing to a monthly committee meeting (currently conducted via Zoom), and contributing time and energy to provide an interesting and robust program for members. You may consider focusing on professional development, communications, newsletter content or general support duties. The committee is a supportive place to learn more about the editing profession and IPEd, hone organisational and coordination skills, and contribute to the future of Editors SA. Associate and student members are also invited to nominate. For more information, contact
Please email any questions about joining Editors SA committee to
2020 ABM agenda
2019 ABM minutes
Proxy voting form
President’s report
Presentation: A view of the intersection of cultures in contemporary writing with Noè Harsel
Noè Harsel has worked for more than 15 years in the not-for-profit arts and culture space as a communications and development consultant. She is currently the Chair of Writers Victoria, host of Live Write, an online writers’ group, and co-creator and host of the IGTV show, Sless to Harsel, which is an irreverent look at books, writing and friendship. She has been Co-Director of Melbourne Jewish Book Week and has lectured in Australian history and cultural studies at RMIT University and the University of Melbourne. She has had articles and short stories published in magazines and anthologies. Her current novel in progress explores the cultural intersection between Japanese and Jewish histories.
This event WILL NOT be recorded.
Editors SA Book Club
Date: Thursday 15 October 2020
Time: 6.30pm ACST
Local start times:
NZ: 9pm NZST
Norfolk Island: 8pm NFT
Tas/ACT/Vic/Qld/NSW: 7pm AEST
SA/NT: 6.30pm ACST
WA: 5pm AWST
Venue: Online via Zoom meetings
Cost: Registration is free for members.
Editors SA is preparing for our third Book Club event. Lauren Bevilacqua will be your host. Join us and tell us about a book you’ve read recently or an old favourite. If you haven’t read anything lately, no problem; come along for some book recommendations and literary discussion (maybe save your Book Depository order for after the event). Full details and booking link to be provided soon.