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From the president/committee

Kia ora,

One of the delights of IPEd is that you get to meet editors of all types. During our enforced stay at home I got to meet editors online I might not have met otherwise. As we talked, it once more became apparent we have taken many different paths to arrive at our editing profession and that we bring acquired knowledge with us. The more connections we make with each other, as editors, the more ideas we are exposed to; the more faith we have in our abilities; the more strength we develop through knowing we are not alone; the more knowledge we have to call on; and the more confident we feel to talk about our profession outside editing circles, raising the visibility of editing in New Zealand.

On the first Monday of Level 2, I met a fellow writing and editing enthusiast in a café. We talked about writing: being clear about your audience and your purpose for writing. We talked about the role of the editor being to help raise the standard of written English, whether in fiction or non-fiction, medical or science, academic or casual. As editors, we help writers share their knowledge, not just by removing the spelling errors, but by improving the readers’ understanding of the words. And to help us we call on our network of editing colleagues, benefitting from their different backgrounds, gaining new knowledge from each other, increasing our faith in our own abilities … and so on.

I look forward to meeting more of you in the coming years, online and in person. Let us not be strangers.

Kia ora mai.

Caroline Simpson
EdANZ Branch President

New members

We are pleased to welcome our new associate member Jillian McCaw.