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EdANZ summarises exceptional PD opportunities

by Caroline Simpson

Kia ora,

Do you have mixed feelings about it nearly being the end of the year? I do. It’s the year when the usual feast and famine of the freelance editor has swung to further extremes. It’s the year when some of us feared for our jobs. It’s the year when we all sat in front of our computer screens trying to marshal our attention and wondered why the words don’t make sense.

It hasn’t all been bad, though. This is also the year when we learned in earnest how to Zoom, and we first heard the word ‘zui’. And it is the year when we got to meet more editors online and share ideas and knowledge. Nevertheless, we will all be wishing for 2021 to be better for ourselves, our families, humanity and the planet.

I would like to thank our EdANZ committee for the amazing work they have put in this year. It has been an extraordinary time to be finding our feet. We have all flagged at times, but collectively we have achieved some great opportunities for our members.

I would also like to thank the Accreditation Board and all the behind-the-scenes workers who will never be named. Their job is not over on 5 December. They will be working hard over the Christmas and New Year break to mark and moderate the candidates’ exams so the results will be available in February 2021.

The committee and I wish you a wonderful festive season and new year. We hope you get to relax in your favourite spot where you can unwind from 2020 with friends and family. If we don’t see you at any of our end-of-year events, we hope to see you online or in person in 2021.

Noho ora mai. Stay well.
Ngā mihi,
Caroline Simpson, EdANZ Branch President

New members

We are pleased to welcome new associate members Lydia Joy Smith, Elizabeth King and Anna Elizabeth Fry. 

Future events

Auckland Editors catch-up

Date: 12 December 2020, 2.30pm
Location: Galbraith’s Alehouse, 2 Mt Eden Road, Auckland

Come along for some conversation about all things editing. Keep up your networking, meeting new friends and old. Auckland residents and visitors alike are welcome. Feel free to turn up on the day — no bookings required. For more information contact Caroline at

EdANZ Zoom Christmas party

Date: Monday 14 December 2020

Save the date and dig out your reindeer antlers for what we hope will be a lighter end to a year like no other. More information to come.