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Careers seminar with Carole Theiley

by Tina Morganella

Say it with me, everyone: “We’re living in unprecedented times.” It’s turned into a catchphrase but it’s still true, and many of us are using this period of flux to reconsider our careers and think about how we want to work. 

Some of us intend to sidestep into unfamiliar avenues, and others want to explore new opportunities or expand existing ones. Carole Theiley provided a great overview of how we can start to do that. She suggested we begin by considering our values, becoming more self-aware and capitalise and harness both our soft and hard skills. 

Carole provided some great resources and self-assessment exercises and talked about how to use social media to network and market yourself. She also spoke about how recruitment has changed in the past few years, and how we can best capitalise on new trends. A positive and encouraging speaker, Carole provided many handy takeaways. Now to get cracking on that career plan. 

Tina is the Events Coordinator for EdSA. She is a freelance copyeditor and a fiction writer.

Calling SA AEs: we need you

EdSA currently has no representation on the Accreditation Board. We are calling for any AEs or DEs to please volunteer for this important role as an AB delegate. Accreditation is one of the key strategic aims for IPEd and it is critical that SA has representation in this area. The role must be filled by an Accredited Editor or a Distinguished Editor. Please contact with any questions, or to discuss how you can support your state and branch in this role. 

We also thank Jo Vabolis AE for her stellar work in this role for the past four years and are very grateful for her efforts. We are pleased that she will remain on the EdSA committee as Vice-President and Secretary. 

Upcoming event

We are ending the year with two informal, socially distanced, in-person events. On 2 December at the Wheatsheaf from 7pm onwards we had some Christmas drinks and there’s our EOY picnic at the Botanic Gardens on 12 December. BYO food, drinks and picnic rug. Event details are in your emails.

Get in touch

If you’d like to send in a piece to be published in the newsletter or on social media, please email You could review a workshop or professional development event you attended, a book or anything else you would like to share with your fellow editors. 

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