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Tax returns: necessary evil?

Tax returns: necessary evil or imaginative fiction, with Lauren Thielby Melanie Dankel On 19 May, Editors SA hosted a Zoom meeting with accountant Lauren Thiel from The Real Thiel. Lauren covered five key areas for freelancers, sole business traders and creatives....

Etymology: June

Etymology of and history behind Juneby Caroline Simpson Whether you subscribe to the season starting on the first day of the month or at the solstice, June is the start of the wet, windy, cold winter season in New Zealand. It is hardly a common time for a wedding, but...

New chair takes the reins

I am honoured to have been nominated and selected to the position of IPEd Chair at our Board meeting on 25 May, taking over from Kerry Davies. Over the past five years, with Kerry as Chair, IPEd has seen enormous changes and is now in a solid position as an...

Profile: IPEd Chair Ruth Davies

In this issue of Gatherings, IPEd introduces a new section in which we will profile an IPEd office bearer. Launching the section, we start with IPEd’s new chair Ruth Davies. Photo: Ruth Davies AEPhoto credit: Ruth Davies Q. When and why did you join IPEd? A. I first...

Book Review: Death of a Typographer

Book Review: Death of a Typographer by Nick Gadd (Arden 2019)by Stephanie Holt I wonder whether, years from now, we’ll remember with special affection books read during COVID-19 isolation. I’ll admit, I’ve been struggling to read deeply, instead devouring news and...

Entry call for creative writing award

Image: Aesthetica magazine If you are supplementing your editing work with creative writing, there is an award for poetry and short fiction that may be of interest. UK-based Aesthetica magazine is calling for entries for the annual Aesthetica Creative Writing Award....