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From the Standards Working Party

The IPEd Standards Working Party (ISWP) has been meeting weekly to finalise the revision of the IPEd Standards for editing practice (Standards). At the end of 2022, the draft 3rd edition of the Standards was sent out to a range of external reviewers. We are in the final stages of implementing changes based on their feedback.

The revised Standards will be sent to the Board, the Accreditation Board and other committees in August for further review. It is anticipated that this stage will be completed by the end of August.

The last stage is for IPEd members to review the draft. We are anticipating that this will occur in late August for completion by September. Once we have assessed the feedback we receive, the third edition of the Standards will be published online. A print edition may be made available at a later date.

This project started in October 2021 and has been extremely time intensive. I would like to acknowledge ISWP members Kerry Davies, Marja Stack, Justine Dixon Cooper and Julie Ganner for their tireless work, as well as former members, who retired in May, Joely Taylor, Sue Pavasaris and Paula Wagemaker.

If you have any further queries regarding ISWP or the Standards, please do not hesitate to contact Sharon Lierse: