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By the Pay and Conditions Standing Committee

We might be the new kid on the block as a standing committee, but we’ve made quite a few waves as the Pay Rates Working Party over the past several years.

Here’s your chance to join the new Pay and Conditions Standing Committee (PCSC) to continue that good work.

Our immediate focus will be to:

  • continue to gather evidence for changes to the Book Industry Award, to benefit employee editors, and provide a submission to the Fair Work Commission in 2023
  • refine the client guidelines as a code of conduct for the publishing industry as a whole
  • establish fair pay rates for editors in Aotearoa New Zealand.

See the new Terms of reference for more information.

EOIs should be emailed, including details of your relevant professional experience, and using the subject line “EOI to join the Pay and Conditions Standing Committee”, to Nicole Mathers at no later than 5 pm (AEDT) Monday 14 November 2022.